Pilot Training (May 2025) – Lead: PRz team
TEDI Training tentative plan.
THEORETICAL ON-LINE PART (FIRST WEEK ON-LINE, a meeting link will be provided).
05/05/2025 – 09/05/2025
Lectures start at 15:50 CET each day – max. 3 academic hours.
- Introduction – 05/05
- Inspection techniques and theoretical basics of test stands – 05/05 & 06/05.
- Research data collection and analysis – 07/05.
- Research data and techniques in on-machine metrology – 08/05.
- Research methods and evaluation of mutually interacting systems (based on vibrodiagnostics examples of mechanical and civil engineering structures) – 09/05.
PRACTICAL PART (Venue: Rzeszów University of Technology, al. Powstańców Warszawy 12, 35-959 Rzeszów, Poland).
12/05/2025 – 16/05/2025
Labs start at 9:00 CET each day – max. 4-5 academic hours.
- Exercise 1 – application of surface metrology in measurements of mechanical and civil objects – 12/05.
- Exercise 2 – application of coordinate measuring techniques in measurements of mechanical and civil objects – 13/05.
- Exercise 3 – application of selected measuring techniques for the aims of data collection. Measurement of modal parameters of civil structure using acceleration sensors and a laser vibrometer (laboratory model of a beam and a building element) – 14/05.
- Exercise 4 – application of statistical software in data analysis – 15/05.
- Interactive tests for developed exercises – 16/05.
Organizers reserve the right to change some details after a training group final completion. These changes will be discussed and announced by partners to students.